Thursday, May 7, 2020

Are we or are we not the prisoners Essay - 768 Words

Are we or are we not the prisoner or our own conceptions? In the cave allegory, Plato describes the human condition as a type of blissful ignorance. I agree with Plato that we are prisoners of our own belief. In this essay, I describe my own opinions and issues to answer some of the questions. The first question that I would like to discuss is, Are we prisoners to our own beliefs and notions of truth? I believe that we are prisoners to our own beliefs because since childhood different beliefs and notions of truth have been imposed on me through family, friends, and society. After being an adult, even though I came to find out that many of these beliefs are not real, it makes me wonder sometimes if it were real, would I be any happier.†¦show more content†¦Even though I have experienced the situation before, luckily nothing has happened, as there is no basis to it. However, the thought of â€Å"something happening† has always crossed my mind. All the above examples conclude that I am a prisoner to my own beliefs. Secondly, I would like to discuss whether people would be ignorant and happy then enlightened and possibly unhappy? I think most people will choose being ignorant and happy because happiness is the highest good man can achieve and everyone wants to be happy. As I mentioned previously I was happy when I was ignorant about Santa’s existence. On the other side, when I was informed that Santa is unreal I was unhappy. One of the other instance that I remember is my twenty first-birthday party. I had already figured out that my friends were throwing me a surprise birthday party. Seeing them organizing everything, I did not want to ruin their efforts and disappoint them. Hence, I pretended that I had no clue of what was going on and I was still happy to know that they are doing something for me even though it was not a surprise for me. This situation describes how ignorant and happy I was along with my friends. 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